Friday Five: Cool Creatives! Conquering Fears! & More!

The weekend is near! Friday has graced us with her presence again, C615! Cool creative people, tips to conquer our fears and a few more goodies to check out as you head into a blissful weekend.

Norma Jeanne Maloney: From Truck Driver to Complete Creative Control
After years of hopping around different cities and diving into their respective art scenes, sign painter Norma Jeanne Maloney, set up shop in the sleepy town of Taylor, Texas. She bought a 116 yr. old building and refurbished it to her ultimate creative paradise- something that would have been impossible in the quickly gentrifying and expensive Austin, where 90% of her clients are located. This interview dives deep into one artists creative journey working for nothing to turning her passion of sign painting into a full blown career — under her own terms. From city to city Norma came to the realization that, “if you are serious about what you do, you’ll live anywhere to create.”

Photo by Matt McCue
Photo by Matt McCue

You know those phrases like “What’s the point?” and “No one cares” that we whisper to ourselves while working on a challenging project? How do we stop these wicked thoughts from taking our brains over? How can we appreciate our creative processes and challenges a little more? Adam J. Kurtz put together a checklist of sorts to conquer these creative fears and come out better on the other side!

Illustration by Adam J. Kurtz
Illustration by Adam J. Kurtz

Nashville Chamber of Commerce included chamber member and our fearless leader, Christian Paro, in a little Member Spotlight on their blog.

If you’re in need of a springtime bout cheerfulness, look no further. Here are 27 Desktop Backgrounds That Will Make You Happy Whenever You See Them. You’re welcome.enhanced-buzz-wide-10248-1453099895-15 (1)

Can Meditation Make Designers Faster, Better, Smarter- and Happier? The AIGA thinks so. New-age graphic design professors are mixing mysticism with practical design principles for a new kind graphic designer. Check it out.

Design by David Grey
Design by David Grey


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