Creative Mornings Nashville graciously allowed Center 615 members to join their audience and listen to special guest speaker Kacey Cardin of Chakralesque, educating the crowd on how to thrive in creative leadership through the 7 chakras.
We’ve got a recap of the whole morning for you, including stacks of photos, a summary of the best presentation slides, and the cutest Creative Mornings pup.
♦ To rev up everyone’s creative engines, Creative Mornings Nashville provided gallons of coffee, a variety breakfast snacks, and delicious donuts from Fox’s Donut Den.
♦ Creative Mornings crew generously arranged a grown-up coloring station, encouraging attendees to visually articulate their thoughts.
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♦ A special guest of honor, Oak, roamed through the crowds to make sure everyone paid attention [to him 😉]
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♦ Down to the nitty gritty: Kacey Cardin spoke on practices to prime creative minds through the 7 chakras, calling it the “7 Wheels of Creative Leadership“. Her buoyant being bubbled endless enthusiasm into the creative crowd as she spoke, acting as a second rising sun to the enlightening eos.
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♦ In case you missed the enriching event, or would like a refresher, check the Creative Mornings website for their video of the presentation.
♦ Additionally, here are transcribed highlights of the slides Kacey presented in the early Friday morning hours:
- 7 Wheels
- Crown – Vision + Mission
- Third Eye – Intuition
- Throat – Authentic Expression
- Heart – Heart and Connection
- Solar Plexus – Action
- Sacral – Creation and Pleasure
- Root – Roots and Foundation
- (1) Root & Foundation [1/2]
- Base of spine
- Sense of Self (vs. Self-Doubt)
- Grounded. Connected to earth/humanity
- Healthy boundaries for self-care/well-being
- Basic needs met
- Awareness of fears
- Financial integrity
- Self-Trust
- Surviving vs. Thriving
- Settling vs. Exploration
- Avoiding pain, discomfort, procrastinating vs. Vulnerability, being with what is
- Suffering, Tolerating vs. Inviting Risk & Challenge from Possibility & Vitality
- Righteousness vs. Intimacy & Authenticity
- Mistakes & failures met with shame and resignation vs. mistakes & failures met with grace, discovery, and resilience
- Isolation / separation / compartmentalize vs. Partnership, Acknowledgement, & Support
- Giving up / Stopping / Stagnation vs. Growth & transformation
- Predictability vs. Possibility
- Fear vs. Love
- Distinguishing Fear and Survival Mechanisms
- Look for permission and approval elsewhere
- Do it all myself
- Expect opposition. Be stubborn and defiant.
- Take on way too much, get overwhelmed, mess it all up, feel like a failure
- Make sure everyone else is comfortable
- Be impressive and as perfect as possible
- (-I’m not enough -I’m unlovable -I’m a fraud -I’m a screw-up)
- (1) Root & Foundation [2/2]
- Well-Being Checklist
- Healthy Priorities (self comes first!)
- Mindfulness (Mind that amygdala)
- Distinguish Survival vs.Thrival in Thought/Word/Action
- Integrity List
- Expect and Welcome the Ebbs as much as the Flow
- Grounding/Earthing/Feet on the floor
- Nature time
- Budget spreadsheet – Always clear on what’s so with your dough!
- Post Thriving Self words where you’ll see them each day!
- (2) Creation & Pleasure
- Cultivate daily / weekly playtime! Adult Recess!
- Get you some (bow chicka wow wow)
- Creative Expression for FUN
- Dance / Work that body! (Bonus points for burlesque or Chakralesque 😉 )
- Thriving Self / Essence-based joy and creation
- Celebrate your wins! Write yours down now.
- (3) Action & Doing – “Yes I can!”
- Source of confidence
- Get sh*t done!
- Doing (Overdoing / Underdoing)
- Catalyst for self and others
- Ideal = Doing AND Being
- Functional Ambition
- (4) Heart & Connection [1/2]
- Bridge between your Humanity and your Divinity
- Center of emotion/feelings
- Connection to others
- Love freely given and received (including SELF-love)
- (4) Heart & Connection [2/2]
- Humanity + Divinity – present to both
- Check your connection
- Seeing and relating to others as their Thriving Selves
- Radical Compassion
- Acknowledgement! Given and received / Self and others
- Partnership / Team / Community
- Let go of Comparison and Jealousy. Reframe = Inspiration
- (5) Authentic Expression
- Speaking and Hearing from authenticity and What’s So
- Asking for what you need/want/desire
- Hearing what others need/want/desire
- Undefended communication
- Trusting your voice
- Speaking from your highest commitments/self-purpose
- (6) Intuition [1/2]
- Self-Trust
- Inner peace
- Regulated sleep cycles
- Psychic “knowing”/Non-verbal communication
- Sense of Being in the midst of any Doing
- Allowing spirit to speak to and through you
- (6) Intuition [2/2]
- Meditation
- Pause to Move Forward
- Fact vs. Interpretation (Clearing part 2)
- Trust Triangle
- (7) Vision & Mission
- Attuned to something higher/greater than self/ego
- Committed to the highest good of all beings
- Mindful
- Thoughts/Words/Being in Integrity with Highest Self + Mission
- Partnership with Divinity / Divine Self
- Reverence
- Dancing with your Divinity
- ROY G BIV Check-In for Top Performers
- V – Vision + Mission / Valuing something greater?
- I – Intuition guiding me?
- B – Believing, Expressing, and Hearing Truth
- G – Green Light Love / Giving and Receiving Love
- Y – Yes I can!
- O – Openly creating and enjoying?
- R – Rooted in myself?
BIG Thank you to Creative Mornings Nashville and Kacey Cardin for coming in and sharing all the creative wisdom we crave!