Blessings in Disguise | Coworking during Quarantine

Center 615 Nashville Coworking

We’re Stronger Than a Tornado and a Quarantine

Check out what we’ve been up to while most people are working from home . . .



Over a month and a half ago, while some of us were in bed, drowsily chasing dreams, an unanticipated event occurred that shook our beloved community. Shook, but did not destroy. 

Center 615 East Nashville Tornado 2020 Damage

When plants experience breeze or movement from touch, they shoot their roots further into the soil and increase the diameter of their base, creating a stronger foundation. I witnessed the exact same scenario the days following the tornado. We all grew stronger together.

Center 615 Nashville Tornado 2020 Damage

But as we placed our arms firmly around one another, a second event tested our strength as a community—an event that attempted to pull us apart and distance ourselves. Yet amidst quarantine we grew our roots even deeper into the soil to uncover new ways to remain connected. Our desire to hold onto humanity allows us to continually adapt to the environment changing around us. 

Center 615 Reconstruction Strategy

Even though our building suffered (minor) damage from the storm and we can no longer see all your shining faces on campus, positivity shines through the cracks in the dark clouds. It is unstoppable.

Center 615 Nashville Tornado 2020 Reconstruction

Because our campus is virtually empty, we are able to press on with tornado damage repairs without disturbing anyone that would be working from their office. (I could also take photos from ridiculous/absurd angles without concern of passersby giving me an odd look.)

Center 615 Nashville Coworking Reconstruction

We now have fresh carpets where there once was sticky concrete. Fresh drywall is going up in the Courtyard Café, that was inundated with rain water after the roof collapsed.

Once it is deemed safe to reopen our doors to everybody, our campus will be fresh and new. It will be the most cathartic restart. 

Center 615 Nashville Coworking Quarantine Repairs

Having a clear, positive perspective affects how you feel, think, and act. Make the choice for your perspective to be a positive one, and you will see bright blessings all around you.


We look forward to seeing all of you on campus again!

If you are interested in a virtual tour of our campus and available suites, submit a virtual tour request. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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