Would you like to be happy at work every day? Because our work life often takes up a substantial amount of our time, many people would like to have a positive mindset at the office. Though, finding enjoyment at work isn’t innate, no matter how interesting or ideal our job is. Since every job has its ebb and flow of joy and disdain, being happy may be a skill we all could improve upon. At Center 615, we always strive to foster a positive environment for all our businesses. In order to help everyone create more positivity, we’ve put together a list of 14 ways to find happiness every day at work.
Have the Right Mindset
1. Act enthusiastic
Dale Carnegie coined the phrase “If you want to be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic.” If we smile, have better posture, and act like we enjoy what we do (even when no one is watching), we can push ourselves out of a workday slump. Overtime, acting like we enjoy our job will turn into us actually enjoying our job.
2. Learn ways to improve
It’s easy to only want to put in the minimum amount of effort to complete a task. However, rather than just checking off boxes, see if you can improve the quality of your work. When we finish something that we can be proud of, it boosts our self-confidence and our mood. Of course, learning how to improve takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself and celebrate the little wins to be happy at work.

3. Create a balance between work and home life
For most of us, our jobs are not our entire lives. When you clock out and commute home (or clock out and turn off your computer), make sure to leave work at work. Anything you didn’t finish can wait until the next day. As best as you can, let go of any work related stress. When we find the right balance between work and home life, we can better enjoy our leisure time. That quality leisure time can help us feel more refreshed and ready to conquer our work when we step back into the office.
Find Satisfaction
4. Tackle the difficult tasks first
Procrastinating often takes out more energy than the actual amount of energy we need to complete a task. If we finish the difficult and stressful tasks first, we can move on and better enjoy the rest of our day with a strong sense of accomplishment. That looming project weighing on your shoulders becomes less daunting as soon as you face it head on and begin to chip away at it. The project may be done before you know it! Plus, feeling more productive often helps us feel more positive throughout the day.
5. Go the extra mile
We see the trend of quiet quitting and quiet firing, but does achieving less really foster positivity in the workplace? To feel more valued at work, we should look for ways to go the extra mile and do more than what we’re asked. When we do more, we create more self-worth and have more control over our actions. How? You are doing something because you truly want to do it, not merely because someone told you to do it. By having more control over our actions and feeling valued, we can be happy at work.
6. Fully focus on your work
If we mentally engage with our work and really focus, even on repetitive and menial tasks, we prevent our mind from wandering and thinking about household chores, errands, or weekend plans. When we concentrate on what’s in front of us, we can more easily find enjoyment in our work and time may move by more quickly. Additionally, staying focused can help us identify ways to go the extra mile and where we can improve our work.
Appreciate Your Coworkers
7. Don’t sweat the credit
Worrying about who will receive credit for an idea or project takes focus away from what’s important and can slow down productivity. Instead of only thinking about our own interests, we can think about what will be best for the project or task at hand. That way, you and your coworkers will be able to work more efficiently and likely have more success in the work you do. Feeling productive and finishing a successful project certainly contributes to how happy at work we are.
8. Ask for advice
It’s easy to believe we can handle something on our own, but when we ask for others’ input and advice, we can achieve more and produce higher quality work. No one can be an expert in everything, but by seeking help from experts, the work itself can be of expert quality. Listening to others’ expertise is also a great opportunity to learn more about different facets of the company you work for, which can foster a deeper appreciation for your job.
9. Recognize your coworkers’ strengths
Show respect to your coworkers and colleagues by focusing on their strengths and giving compliments when appropriate. We all have grievances about our coworkers, but if we choose to let those go and remember where they excel, we will have a more positive mental attitude both towards them and in the workplace. Not only will we be happier around our coworkers, but we will likely create more meaningful relationships with them. Doing so will not only help you be happy at work, but it may help your coworkers too!
Think of Others
10. Get to know your colleagues
How many people in your workplace do you know by name? What if you put in the effort to get to know others around you? Having friends or acquaintances at work can eliminate any feelings of loneliness and isolation, putting you more at ease. Plus, you may begin to look forward to seeing people at work, which will definitely bring more positivity into the workday.
11. Think of how your job benefits others
Avoid only focusing on your paycheck, and instead think about what would happen if your job wasn’t done right or done at all. When you see the value in your role, you will have more motivation to get your work done and find more satisfaction in completing your work. Or perhaps you can think about how your income allows you to provide for someone you care about. We’ve likely all heard the adage that giving is better than receiving. When we reframe the way we view our job, we can easily see how it allows us to give to others. We will be happy at work if we focus on what we give, rather than working for what we can receive.
12. Be flexible, adaptable, and reasonable
Our colleagues might work at a different pace or with a different style from our own. We’re all unique with our own characteristics, and we all accomplish our tasks in our unique way. As a result the best way to work together is to figure out how our work styles best fit together, which often requires flexibility. Try to think of ways you can adjust how you do your job in order to help someone else do theirs more easily. When we willingly help those around us, we create more positivity.
Set Goals for Yourself
13. Keep learning new skills
Learning new skills not only helps us accomplish our job better, but it also challenges our brain. When we challenge our brain, we become more engaged in what we do and find more satisfaction in our work. Constant learning also combats boredom and improves cognitive ability. How can you learn new skills? Ask your coworkers to teach you something new, look online for free courses related to your role, or ask your supervisor if you can attend a class to learn a new skill.
14. Try to outdo yourself
Challenge yourself every day by setting new, reachable goals. Instead of being in competition with one another, try to compete with yourself and set new records. Start timing how long it takes you to finish a task, and see if you can do it faster the next time. Try to finish more projects per week, or see if you can reach more potential clients. Of course, always keep a sustainable pace to avoid burnout.
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