April 16th Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness in the Workplace

Tuesday, April 16th at 12pm

Curious about mindfulness and it’s benefits to your mental health and well-being?

Joanna Barbera is a mindfulness coach and facilitator specializing in Mindfulness in the Workplace. The Center 615 Team has been utilizing her services for the past 9 months and seeing positive, measurable results. Join us on Tuesday, April 16th at 12pm in the Zaphod meeting room. Healthy snacks and fresh juice provided.

Joanna will be available to answer any questions you may have about what mindfulness is and how it can impact your life and business. At 12:30pm, Joanna will offer a brief informative talk followed by a guided meditation. Her simple approach will leave you feeling rejuvenated, focused and ready to conquer the day!

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