Yesterday’s Wisdom for Today’s Worries

Yesterday's Wisdom for Today's Worries blog post cover

While today’s circumstances may seem unprecedented,

it may be rooting and reassuring to remember that humans have faced and seen the other side to countless tribulations in the past (the bubonic plague in the 14th century wiped out an estimated 200 million people in Europe).

We are resilient creatures.

Wisdom born of both past and present strife can help us to clear our heads and carry through the tasks necessary to keep building and overcome. 

Here at Center 615, community comes first, so we asked fellow members and neighbors what mantras/phrases/lyrics/proverbs they turn to in times of need. Through a joint effort, we strive to spread messages of positivity and hope.

Next to the wisdom quote is the name of the original author, when applicable, and in parentheses is the name of the person who contributed the quote, followed by the name of the business where they work.


“This too shall pass.” -unknown, ancient Eastern philosophy (Tom Wasik, MFA, LCSW, Psychotherapist)


“What you resist, persists.” -Carl Jung (Logan Crowell, HOME)


“Let it be.” -The Beatles (Angelia Cameron, Druid Tree Service)


“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy.” -Albert Camus (Lauren Bravoco, Center 615 staff)


“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” -Matthew 6:34, NIV (Andra Ingram, Center 615 staff)



We only get it once.

Why waste it?

We can spend it in fear, or we can create possibility for the next person.

We can spend it alone, or we can create digital but real connection with someone else.

It only takes a day to make change happen.

The ocean is made of drops.”Seth Godin (Juliana Lee, Generous)


“Breathe. Let Go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” -Oprah Winfrey (Tyler Neill, Design 615)


“People should remember that they’re as healthy as they feel, and shouldn’t go around feeling as unhealthy as they fear.”Dr. Raphael Viscidi (Shandi Paro, Design 615)


“Nature is forcing us to slow down, to reevaluate how we are doing life on a micro and macro level. Teaching us what is truly important: Be calm. Present. Be kind to others and the planet. Be teachable. We are not separate from nature. We are part of it.”Dr. Will Cole (Joanna Barbera, Music City Mindfulness*)

*Joanna has also graciously provided Dos and Don’ts for mental clarity and peace.


Center 615 Nashville Campus Daffodils wisdom


If you are a Center 615 member or East Nashville neighbor and would like to contribute your favorite phrase of wisdom, leave a comment below! The more the merrier 😊


If you are interested in learning more about our community, you can schedule a tour! We are now making virtual tours available, using Google Hangouts.

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