2020 Recharge for Your Business and You

2020 Recharge for your business and you Center 615 Nashville

2020 Recharge for Your Business and YOU!

⋅ Business Strategies ⋅ Motivational Tips ⋅ Healthy Work Hours ⋅ Manifestation ⋅

A little bit of this, a little bit of that, this blog post is like a recharge sample platter. It’s got a little something for everybody, wherever they may be on their journey.

Center 615 strives for diversity, so we know everyone needs to hear something different to help them in the new year.

We scoured the internet to find the most helpful blog posts on business growth strategies and personal, mindful improvement for 2020. 

If any one of these blog summaries speaks to you, we recommend clicking the source link to read/watch the whole thing.

2020 recharge business strategy Nashville Center 615

Business Strategies: Looking to re-vamp yours?

Source: “5 Ways to Position Your Business For Growth in 2020” by Elaine Profeldt, Forbes Contributor 

Forbes contributor Elaine Pofeldt, gives insightful tips for entrepreneurs to grow their business.

The punchiest points are below:

  1. Building meaningful human connections with clients/customers and like-minded people

While technology provides solutions to problems, “Many people are lonely, isolated and alienated in a world that’s increasingly driven by technology. Smart entrepreneurs will find ways to devote the time they’ve freed up with technology to getting to know customers better, even if that’s through simple methods like taking a few extra minutes to talk with them.”

Who should you build relationships with? 

Focus on “building a small, close-knit network populated by people who help you connect to your higher purpose, rather than spreading yourself thin among a large group or making only superficial contact once in a while.”

  1. Creative, consistent content that reflects your company’s values

Whether it’s on social media, your company’s website, or even print brochures, “The more consistent your message is and the more each piece of content syncs up with the values you’ve already expressed, the more powerful your brand will be . . . Clarity will help your marketing message get your prospects’ attention in a very noisy and distracting environment.”

  1. Focus on lasting values/long-term impact. Would anyone miss your business if it were gone tomorrow?

Of course, focus on your customers, “Do your homework (and plenty of experimenting) first, to figure out what your target customer actually wants.”

Having said that, “Your business will have more staying power if you find a way to make a difference that goes beyond simply addressing a pain point or desire of your customers . . . it’s time to devote more time to uncovering what matters to your customers and finding the intersection with your own purpose as an entrepreneur.”

2020 recharge motivation Nashville Center 615

Motivational Tips: Need a kick to see it through?

Source: “How Does an Entrepreneur With (or Without) ADHD Stay Motivated?” by Susan Lasky, Productivity Solutions

Productivity coach Susan Lasky writes a convincing post on finding motivation during the 9-5 work day.

First, accept the fact that motivation requires effort, and there will be times when motivation is hard. 

Keeping that in mind, here are strategies to maintain motivation:

  1. Needs vs. Wants

“Perfection is the enemy of productivity and motivation.” Only focus on what needs to be done, not necessarily what you want to be done.

Recognize the difference between a project and a task, and focus on individual tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the whole project.

Furthermore, let go of what doesn’t currently work for you. Free space for things that excite and energize you, by focusing on your strengths and delegating what drains you. 

Basically, evaluate your priorities.

  1. Take a breather

Make time for Free Time. 

Run on the treadmill here, take a refresher in the courtyard/roofdeck, walk to the East Nashville restaurants and shops (like Five Points!), pet a co-worker’s dog, take a nap, use the meditation room.

Don’t have time to recharge? 

“If you don’t make time, you’re working with the law of diminishing returns. As the airlines say, put the oxygen mask on yourself first. Stepping away often gives new perspectives and greater energy.”

  1. Keep reminders close

Organize a stash of motivational quotes—or links to podcasts, books, videos, blog posts—to spark motivation! Pull them out whenever you need a booster.

“Sometimes, we need these pre-packaged options to choose from, as ‘doing what comes naturally’ just doesn’t cut it . . . Memory is not reliable, especially when feeling overwhelmed.”

Also, remember your Big Vision! Why did you start your professional journey? What inspired you to take the big leap? Remind yourself why, to re-focus and re-energize.

2020 recharge work hours Nashville Center 615

Healthy Work Hours: 9-5? What’s that?

Source: “Memo to work martyrs: Long hours make you less productive” by Bob Sullivan, Special to CNBC Digital 

CNBC presents studies around the subject of “work martyrs” who work extra hours without additional pay.

Key takeaways for cutting added work hours:

  1. Boundaries

The article indicates work hour boundaries are crucial for productivity; it also proposes that professionals’ long work hours are often self-imposed. So stop answering emails on vacation!

  1. The Cliff 

How many hours do you work in a week? Studies suggest, employee output falls sharply after a 50-hour work-week, and falls off a cliff after 55 hours—so much so that someone who puts in 70 hours produces nothing more with those extra 15 hours.” 

  1. Sleep and Productivity

A sure-fire sign of overworking is loss of sleep. Properly recharging leads to higher productivity. 

That’s why we have a nap room and meditation room at Center 615.

Bottom line: put the phone down, spend quality time with family and friends, and get your 8 hours.

2020 recharge mindfulness Center 615 Nashville

Manifestation: Do you crave a mindful approach to the new year?

Source: “WHAT IS MANIFESTATION? EXPLAINED FOR BEGINNERS!” by Veladya Chapman, Earth Mama Medicine 

Veladya Chapman, creator of Earth Mama Medicine—a multidisciplinary resource for holistic wellbeing, walks through the principles of Manifestation in a 20 minute video.

  1. Defining Manifestation

First, the Law of Attraction is different from Manifestation. Whereas the Law of Attraction focuses on magnetizing wants, Manifestation hones in on a more selfless “being” with a universal “source”.

Veladya illustrates this idea with tuning into the right radio station. When you find the station, align with it. Stay tuned to it. 

  1. Returning to original human nature

What vibrations are important to attract? Referencing Lao Tzu’s philosophies, our original human nature attracts: reverence for all life, gentleness, kindness, and service to others. Concentrating on these elements will help manifest the positive energies that may be lacking.

Incorporating positive energies will bring positive change.

  1. Vision Board

To focus on original nature, construct a vision board and make the vision as specific as possible.

Think of the vision board (or Google doc, sticky note, etc.) as “a cosmic order to a cosmic waitress.”

Focusing on those specificities will help melt away any distractions guiding you away from what you wish to Manifest or achieve.

Take or leave what she says. Some if it is out there, but there is universal value to it!

(Tip: tapping the right arrow key fast-forwards through a YouTube video in 5 second increments)

What areas of your life would you like to recharge in 2020?

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