How to Maximize Your Desk Setup for Better Work Days

Office desk setup

Your workday is full of potential stressors and challenges, so you need to ensure that your workspace isn’t going to cause any problems throughout your day. Here are some office desk setup ideas for maximizing your work day. 

Seated, Standing, or Hybrid?

There are a lot of ways to get work done in an office setting. Some people like the traditional seated method, while others experiment with standing desks or even treadmills. Learning what options work for you can take some trial and error, so don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Office work has traditionally been sedentary, but it doesn’t have to be. Standing desks can help keep your blood flowing and can even prevent lower back pain. Standing desks are tricky accommodations to find, but many coworking spaces do offer desk setups that can work with a standing option. If you’re worried about standing all day, don’t fear! Hybrid setups can be great for getting work done in a seated and standing position. Even working for a few hours on your feet has proven health benefits. Since we often spend 40 or more hours at our desks each week, that’s a lot of time spent seated. Studies have shown that people who work at a standing desk have better mood and energy levels than people who work seated. Standing can also boost productivity for many people, meaning you’re staying healthy and getting more work done.

If you do choose to work in a seated setting, make sure you have a chair that’s comfortable and that it’s properly oriented with your desk. The proper ergonomics of your workstation depend on a lot of factors, but it’s important to keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle when typing on the keyboard. This can ensure less strain is put on your wrists. Finding a desk that’s the right height or adjusting your chair to fit the proper height can prevent carpal tunnel and other issues from poor ergonomics. A chair with a supportive back helps to ensure that you’re seated at the proper angle and that you are viewing your computer screen at a good angle for your eyes and posture. There are countless guides for getting a great ergonomic setup for your desk, so if you’re lost, don’t worry. Don’t let your work take a toll on your body. In a seated position, ensure you’re getting up every hour. This is very important and can prevent health issues like blood clots and other serious problems. No matter your desk setup, there are things you can do to make sure you’re working safely and efficiently, and many best practices rely on a good office chair or standing configuration. 

Keep Your Workspace Tidy

Cleaning up after yourself at your office is a great way to keep your desk efficient and pleasant. A disorganized workspace is inefficient and can keep you from finding the things you need when you need them. Whether your job calls for a lot of work off the computer or you’re only occasionally reaching for a sticky note, you need to ensure everything is where it should be. Organizing and planning your desk setup for optimal efficiency takes some work, and finding the proper storage solutions is sometimes a process. You can use many tools to store and access the things you need, from pens, pencils, and stationery to other less common workplace items, like calculators, microphones, headsets, and webcams. Having your office equipment readily accessible can keep your stress level low and prevent last-minute scrambles for something to jot a note on. It sounds silly, but sometimes, a readily available notebook does make the difference between keeping up and falling behind during a presentation. Studies have shown that messy workspaces can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health as well. Garbage, scraps of paper, empty coffee mugs, and other office detritus can clutter your workspace. Besides posing a risk of spilling and damaging your expensive electronics, this clutter keeps you from performing your work properly. With things in your way, your workflow is disrupted and inefficient. 

How do you organize your desk for maximum productivity? There are countless blogs, articles, and videos available for you to learn the best setup for any type of work, but the core principle is simple: keep the things you need on hand but out of the way. A productive workspace needs to be free of clutter, and the rest falls into place with practice and time. Set a schedule to organize and clean your desk once a week. Take 20 to 30 minutes from your day and get everything back to the way it should be. Busy days can leave even the cleanest desk in shambles, so don’t neglect your desk’s tidiness. 

Love Your Decor

Of all the desk setup ideas we’ve offered, decor has got to be the most ambiguous. Your desk can be a lot of things to you, but it should not be devoid of personality. Decorating your desk is 90% for you, 10% for the sake of everyone else. In a social workspace like coworking at Center 615, your desk can be a conversation starter. It can tell people a bit about you before you even chat, and that can help simplify collaboration and socialization. For some folks, a minimalist approach to decor may be preferable, but that in itself is a decor decision. Others may go with knick-knacks and family photos. One element of decor that’s universally good for your space is a plant. If you’re working a regular schedule in one place, a live plant can be a good morning ritual to get into the workday. Pruning a small bonsai or watering a succulent once a week are great ways to give your desk personality and connect with nature. Plants in the workspace can actually reduce stress and increase productivity, making them an important part of a good office environment. Of all our advice for a better work day, a plant might sound the strangest. However, we’re living beings, and the presence of a living thing with us has psychological benefits. We’re not saying you need to love your plant and give it a name (Jeremy sounds nice), but plants do help make a workspace feel more comfortable. Comfort at work breeds efficiency and productivity, so if you’re looking to give the most at work and get the most in return from your workspace, placing importance on your decor and aesthetics can get you further. 

Maximize Your Workspace at C615

A good workspace is only as good as the larger environment it’s in, so why not cowork at one of Nashville’s best workplaces: Center 615? Work at Center 615 24/7 as a member, or schedule a tour today to see what it’s all about.

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