4 Ways Coworking Spaces Can Refresh Company Culture

Woman working on her laptop in a coworking space.

Coworking spaces aren’t new, but you might have only just started hearing the buzz about these unique work opportunities. Whether you’re an independent contractor, a remote employee, or a business owner yourself, you’re going to want to learn what a coworking space can do to refresh your company culture.

What is a Coworking Space?

A coworking space is, at its core, any space where people work near one another. A coworking space is usually open-concept, without offices and doors acting as physical barriers to collaboration. Within a coworking space, there can be many people working on completely different projects, or a mix of teams and groups working toward a common goal.

What Makes a Coworking Space Important?

Coworking spaces have been around for years, even before COVID-19 permanently altered the workspace landscape in so many ways. It’s because of this major disruption that coworking spaces are growing in popularity. As many offices enjoyed significant savings from a permanently remote workforce, the number of onsite jobs has declined. The benefits of working from home are huge, but there are certain aspects of office culture that greatly contribute to company culture and a more happy, productive workspace.

Looking for an affordable, culture-forward coworking space conveniently located in Nashville, TN? Look no further than Center 615. As we discuss the broad benefits of coworking spaces, we’ll be sure to fill you in on some of the things Center 615 can do for you. So whether you’re managing a startup, working as a contractor, or just missing the office environment after going remote, we have a spot for you.

Four Ways Coworking Spaces Can Refresh Company Culture

1. Socialize!

Coworking spaces are social by their nature, and this social aspect of work can lead to new opportunities for anyone willing to try them out. Networking with other local business owners or freelancers can be huge for advancing your career. Learn what else is out there, share your experiences and work with people you’d otherwise never have the opportunity to encounter professionally. 

Minimizing the isolation and loneliness some people experience working from home can massively boost morale, which is critical on an individual and company-wide level. Chatting with someone face-to-face rather than communicating via Slack or Teams is more valuable than you may think (picking up on nonverbal cues is nearly impossible via email, even if your associates love sending emojis and GIFs). Forging these social connections alongside achieving practical workplace goals is important for your continued happiness.

At Center 615, coworking spaces come in a variety of different configurations. Want to work at a drifter desk, among others? You can do that. With a drifter desk, find a new place to work daily with multiple lounge and desk options to mix things up. Free WiFi, indoor and outdoor common areas and workspace, free coffee and tea, and more amenities are all available for a drifter desk. And the best part? It’s only $300 per month – no lease or contract necessary. 

2. Maximize Productivity

Studies have shown that working from home can greatly dampen some people’s productivity. If you’re fed up with your output, why not give coworking a try? When you’re working around other people, you’re less likely to check the clock (or your phone, socials, etc.) every few minutes. Seeing other people work around you has a positive effect on your output. Being more productive means less overtime and fewer missed deadlines means more business. Coworking can really inspire hard work in individuals and teams alike because it’s only human to want to be around others and have a common goal. Even if your only common goal is “getting work done,” that motivation is tangible.

By renting a coworking space at Center 615, you get discounted or free access to our conference rooms. This is an excellent perk for organizing meetings with clients or coworkers. Maybe you need absolute silence for a big report that you’re working on. Either way, our conference rooms are adaptable to your needs. Select from a variety of themed meeting rooms for the perfect option. 

3. Flexible Schedules, Flexible People

Many coworking spaces are open beyond the normal hours of a typical office. This flexibility to work when you want, and the freedom that instills in people, are huge. Instead of having to staff offices with security and maintenance, the coworking space takes care of everything, meaning employers and employees can focus on their work. Speaking of logistics, the included services and amenities offered by modern coworking spaces are usually generous.

All of Center 615’s coworking options offer 7-day office access. Drifter desks are available 7 days a week, 8am to 8pm. With a designated desk, you’ll be paying $500 monthly for 80 square feet of your own space, with 24/7 access. Burn the midnight oil, drop in on a Saturday evening – it’s all possible at Center 615. 

4. Options for Everyone

Hate the idea of working in a stuffy, distant corner office all alone? Miss your cubicle now that you’ve gone remote? Tired of meeting clients in noisy coffee shops? A coworking space can address any of these concerns. If you want the experience of working in a big open space with other professionals, a coworking space is an excellent choice. But even if you’re renting a cubicle, that collaborative feeling is still in the air.

Nervous to dive right into coworking but think it might be worth the risk? Minimize that risk with Center 615 and try our day pass. For just $25, you can access any of our coworking spaces, Monday through Friday, 9am to 4pm. This is the perfect chance to try a coworking space for yourself or your company.

At Center 615, it’s our goal to provide individuals and businesses ample opportunity to innovate, collaborate, and just get stuff done. Nurturing a space that provides all of our clients with room to grow their careers is our passion, so know that if you work with us you’re going to be in good hands. If you want to learn more about our coworking spaces, schedule a tour today and get a free day pass on us when you tour!

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