Are Coworking Spaces Tax Deductible? And Other Common Coworking Questions

Woman working at a desk in a large office space.

Coworking spaces aren’t exactly new, but for millions of people going remote or hybrid every year, this might be their first experience. If you’re new to the coworking space game, don’t panic! Here are some of the most common coworking questions and the answers for them. 

Common Coworking Questions

The Wrong Coworking Questions

It’s only natural to have questions about coworking spaces when you’re considering making the switch from the home office. The old adage that there’s no such thing as stupid questions is definitely in play here. You’re looking at a space where you’ll be paying rent or a monthly membership fee. That’s your hard-earned money, and it’s perfectly reasonable to have a variety of questions. So don’t let self doubt keep you from asking a question you might think should be obvious. So with that said, let’s get onto some of the more common questions people have about coworking spaces. 

Are Coworking Spaces Tax Deductible?

This is the question that probably brought you here, so let’s get right to it. Is a coworking space tax deductible, and if so, how much can you claim for a coworking space on your taxes? Fortunately, the answer is pretty straightforward! Coworking spaces are indeed tax deductible. This is because a home office is tax deductible, so if you freelance or run your own business, you can deduct a percentage of your rent or mortgage when working in a home office that’s strictly for business. A coworking space is treated the same way by the IRS, but it is actually a lot easier to deduct. You can deduct 100% of your paid rent on a coworking space, as well as fees related to printing, renting a conference room, etc. It’s best to take tax advice with a grain of salt, however. Not every work setup is deductible. A coworking space only works for freelancers, business owners, or other people working on a contract job. For instance, if you fill out a W-2 and work from home or a coworking space, you cannot deduct your office space. It’s always important to consult an accountant when you’re first doing taxes and figuring out your coworking space tax deduction

What Amenities Do You Offer?

The amenities offered in a coworking space are important, and a lack of amenities can quickly remove a prospective space from your shortlist. So what do I look for in a coworking space near me, you may ask. Many people consider amenities nice extra perks, but coworking space amenities can really be a lot more than just free coffee and tea. Do you want to struggle to find parking on the street or deal with a crowded parking garage? Absolutely not. An amenity to ask about is free parking. It seems like a no-brainer, but not every space is going to provide it. Other infrastructural amenities like printing services or free access to meeting rooms are also worth bringing up on the search. Printing may not be free, but having high-quality printers on-site can help. Even if you’re rarely printing at work, it’s going to come up at some point, and you’ll want that when you need it. Center 615, a coworking space in Nashville, TN, offers these perks and more. In addition to free parking, meeting space reservations, coffee, and tea, Center 615 also provides affordable printing services, an on-site notary, and meditation/nap rooms. It’s important to feel comfortable and provided for in a coworking space, and that’s our goal each day. Amenities are a big deal, and you deserve to feel like you’re getting the best from your coworking space. 

Are There Any Hidden Costs?

Hidden costs implies that you might not get this answer easily from a dishonest coworking space, but fortunately that’s not usually the case. Hidden costs are for the most part illegal and 100% unethical. If the person you ask can’t answer this question truthfully and confidently, move on. The best coworking spaces are the ones that have easy to read terms and a simple agreement with no surprises. 

At Center 615, our rent agreements and memberships are straightforward. We pride ourselves on being upfront with all costs. Utilities, parking, notary services, meeting room access, and a variety of other logistical benefits and amenities are all included in the cost of your membership. The only additional costs you can incur here are for printing and individual office cleaning, but we like to keep those highly affordable as well. For a dedicated desk in Center 615’s coworking space, you can expect to pay $500 per month. A drifter desk membership is only $300 per month and means you can set up shop anywhere in our spacious coworking space. Never work in the same place twice. 

Is Coworking Flexible? 

Maybe the cost breakdown of Center 615’s coworking space provided is inspiring more questions. Just how flexible is a coworking space? Can I cancel whenever I want, or am I locked into a long-term commitment? Not every coworking space handles flexibility the same way. Some may lock you into a year-long contract or charge a cancellation fee. These are important things to find out in advance, so you’re not scrambling when something changes and you need to stop using the space for a while. And what about access to your space? If you work unconventional hours, are you going to find yourself locked out at 11 PM on a Sunday? Asking in advance always prevents future headaches, so prepare a list! 

At Center 615, we can safely say that our coworking space is incredibly flexible. Designated desks can be accessed 24/7. Your keycard grants you access to your designated desk whenever you need it. If the urge to burn the midnight oil strikes or you just forget your laptop on your desk, don’t stress about whether you’ll be getting into your space. Drifter desks do have a bit of a limitation, with their hours being 8 AM to 8 PM seven days a week. And when it comes to canceling or pausing a coworking space membership, there are no hidden fees. You can cancel as needed, with no contract or legally binding commitment. Of course, we’d hate to see you go, but we’re never going to make it difficult when change is needed. 

Hopefully this has answered some of your burning coworking space questions, but if you have more, don’t sweat it. Give us a call at Center 615 today for questions and concerns or to schedule a tour of your future office.

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