Coworking With Purpose: How to Set and Achieve Your Goals in a Shared Workspace

Shared workspace at Center 615.

A coworking space is one of the best places to get work done when you’re a freelancer or remote worker. If you’re struggling with productivity or structure in your shared workspace, here are some tips for coworking with purpose so you’re making the most of what you have. 

How to Get the Best Results in a Shared Work Space

Define Your Work Goals

Sometimes the transition to a coworking space can be a bit difficult. Whether you’re getting back into the workforce from some time away, leaving your current office, or transitioning from remote work to coworking, there are some adjustments to make in your professional goals. Laying out what you want to get out of your coworking space in advance is a great way to get started on the right foot. One of the main benefits of coworking is the collaborative nature of a shared space. Even though you and the people around you aren’t working on the same project, you’ve all got a common goal: productivity. 

Many people find remote work difficult and cite working from home as being somewhat challenging to their motivation. At home, we’re surrounded by a number of distractions, and coworking spaces help to eliminate those domestic excuses. Sometimes we have trouble turning off the morning news when we’re at home, or we think we can manage a few household chores while getting work done. While this works for some people, for others it can be a distracting procrastination tactic, and having an office space can help greatly. When you’re working alongside others, you feel a positive pressure to get things done. A bustling coworking space is full of people engaging with their work, and that behavior is contagious.

In the abstract, what are the goals of a coworking space? Coworking spaces were established for freelancers and remote workers who were looking for a place to work productively. Collaboration was always the aim when we began Center 615, and we’ve spent years hosting a variety of professionals from all around Nashville. Working locally in a coworking space can benefit small business owners.

Go into your coworking space with a metric for your productivity. Whether you have measures for output established by your employer or not, having your own goals can help keep you on track. Sometimes coworking spaces can get distracting, especially if you’re a social person. Make sure that you set ground rules for yourself when it comes to chatting and hanging out in break rooms and other non-working areas. Set realistic goals for yourself throughout the day, making sure you leave time for breaks and socializing, because they’re a huge part of why we go to work each day.

Establish Your Routine

It can be easy to fall into a non-routine when working remotely. Some employers don’t need you to work at any specific time, and that’s great for people with a lot going on in their lives. But having time set aside for work can help make sure that we’re getting it all done when we need to while making enough time for ourselves. The best coworking spaces are open whenever you need them, but make sure the place you’re picking has availability and access when you plan to work. Your schedule doesn’t need to be Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, either. Set your work schedule around when you like to work and stick to it. Adhering to your work schedule is the most important thing in a coworking space. Give yourself grace to show up a bit late or pop into your space in the evening, because life sometimes happens and work schedules need flexibility. 

The benefits of coworking spaces are many, and being able to come and go as you please is a huge highlight. At Center 615, people who rent a designated desk in our coworking space have 24/7 access to their space. Drifter desk access is 8am to 8pm, seven days a week. Set aside time to walk the campus or hit up a common area to chat with other Nashville professionals. You never know what networking connections you can make in a coworking space. Some friendships forged in Center 615 have led to beautiful collaborations between Nashville businesses. 

Utilize the Space

Making the best of your coworking space is an important part of achieving your work goals. Many of the amenities available at coworking spaces are designed to make your work life richer and more fulfilling, so make sure you’re leveraging these tools. Conference rooms are excellent ways to meet up with clients or coworkers in a private space and can help you develop new ideas or give presentations in more meaningful ways. Center 615 has eight conference rooms with a broad range of multimedia resources available. Whether you need to meet with a client in person or several folks overseas, you can conduct your meetings in our rooms with high-speed internet and video capabilities. Other important amenities that you should look for in your coworking spaces include break rooms, which are important places for your mental well-being when at work. 

Take advantage of the amenities in your coworking space breakroom. At Center 615, you can expect complimentary coffee and tea in these spaces, as well as ample seating and tables for having lunch or simply chatting. Center 615 is unlike any other coworking space near you, because we believe that relaxation is important for productivity. That’s why one of the amenities we offer is fairly unique: we are a dog-friendly workplace. Many people enjoy working from home because they can take care of their pets and work, but if you miss the dynamic energy of the workplace, that’s sometimes a hard compromise. If being able to take your dog to work is one of your coworking goals, you’re in luck. Dogs in the workplace are proven to enhance morale across the board, and they can help ensure you’re taking breaks, even if you are a bit of a workaholic. Taking an afternoon walk alone or with your pet is a great way to decompress and get your energy back up.

Work Your Way With Center 615

Your goals for getting things done in a shared workspace need to be well-defined from the beginning, but they don’t need to be strict. If you’re ready to continue or start coworking in Nashville, contact Center 615 for more information and schedule your free tour today.

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